When you care enough to send the very worst...

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Show them you give a shit!

Oh shit chocolate candy ka-ka is the ultimate way to let them know how much you care...or don't. Any occassion is good enough for Oh shit...

...I forgot your birthday!
...You lost your job!
...You're pregnant!
...Another birthday :(
...Your goldfish died :(
...You're grounded!
...You totalled your car!
...You failed math.

You get the idea.

Oh shit...
When you care enough to send
the very worst.

Oh shit... candy ka-ka is edible milk chocolate candy in the shape of ...well...shit. We package it up in a not-so-pretty crumpled brown bag with a toilet seat gift tag.

6 oz. (10 pieces) $4.99
$2.85 S&H
Ordering more than one? Add 50 cents for every additional bag to cover shipping.

Send check or money or with proper payment to:

1117 S. 300 E.
Danville, IN 46122